Hair Loss Treatment natural herbal

Hair Loss Treatment natural herbal

Worry that found bristles falling on our shoulders or stuck in our clothes , and we are so rightly women 's poetry beauty crown , giving it a tenderness and femininity , so it is important to take care of it as much as possible and avoid the wrong methods to deal with.

The causes of hair loss :

- Often be the reason for hair loss and a lack of vitamin A, B .

- Genetic reasons

- Pregnancy and lactation

- Some diseases Kaltfoid and undergo surgical operations .

- Food unbalanced

- Dealing wrong with hair.

Some of the reasons mentioned have their effect temporarily , and then return the hair to rebound again after the demise of this influence, and some of them need to resort to the doctor to diagnose the situation and give appropriate treatment , but publicly tend to most of us to natural remedies for the absence of the negative effects which , below we show you some good herbal recipes in the treatment of hair loss:

Thyme : thyme herb contains a volatile oil is the main ingredient in this plant.

How to use:

Crushed thyme crushed very finely and then taken him to fill a large spoon and placed in the fill cup cold water plain cover and leave to marinate for 24 hour and then filtered water from the pomace is used to Tdleilk scalp gently so when you sleep immediately and repeat the process every 24 hours when you sleep .

Radish : must be a lot of eating radish municipal or even radish importer and this recipe is very good for germination falling hair , can also be used with radish juice castor oil كدهان the scalp .

How to use:

Mince radish juice is then taken and mixed with a small amount of castor oil and painted this mix scalp and continues to this person to use for a month at the rate of once per day at any time.

Ginger and sesame ::

How to use: take fresh ginger , peeled and then pressed a spoon then taken to two tablespoons of juice and mix with three tablespoons of sesame oil with half a teaspoon of lemon juice and mix well and then tell you of the scalp with this mixture three times a week.

Seeds of parsley : parsley seeds used for the treatment of hair.

How to use: take full tablespoon of parsley seed powder and mix about a cup of water and leave for 12 hours and then massaging the scalp daily at bedtime for a week and then three times in the second week and then twice a week thereafter .

Olive oil with dye nutmeg crust : the benefits of olive oil is rich definition .

How to use: take about half a cup of coffee and olive oil mixed with a quarter cup of dye peel the fruit , nutmeg and massage scalp with this mix at a rate of once a day for a month .

Coriander + pomegranate papers : There are two types coriander ; regular coriander known and coriander البثر .

How to use: take equal parts of coriander regular and coriander البثر and leaves pomegranate dry and then mixing together crushed and boiled with a liter of water, then drain and wash their hair only as a measure further with one of the recipes earlier as this recipe proves the hair in the scalp and give it texture soft and Luna attractive.

Recipes to strengthen the natural hair:

- Rose oil + oil Ace + Oil Alhandal + Hanna + spices + castor oil :

This recipe used to work at home , where fresh take equal amounts of the substances listed above, are henna mix all of and الكثيراء then mix accompaniment oils and used كدهان the rate of twice a week and this recipe prevent hair loss .

Treatment of hair from the inside :

We mentioned that one of the reasons leading to hair loss lack of vitamins or poor diet and such cases should be treated the problem by eating foods containing Afattaaminac necessary for healthy hair , as well as a healthy diet and balanced , and nutrients beneficial to the hair and resistance to hair loss :

Option + Islands + Arugula : Because hair loss based food shortages , especially vitamin A, which exists in abundance in each of the option , carrots and watercress and therefore it must eat option by half a kilo a day and must be eaten Bakchorh and also TWO islands without peeling , With the package Paljrgyr shall be taken and distributed to twice a day and if the package large فتوزع on three times a day . And continue to eat these three plants for a month and preferably used this recipe before using oil recipe Triple month , where it increases the impact.

Soy: Soy is one of the foods that contain a large amount of biotin , which is one of the important nutrients like vitamins. It is natural materials that contain biotin , garlic , American ginseng , oats, barley , avocado , cotton seed , corn, sesame , but soy is the richest of these materials with البيوتن material .

Taken four tablespoons soy eat and can be eaten daily or buy biotin lotion that has a ready and supplementary food stores than 6 mg dose daily.

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